Hearty Welcomes & Salutations! Originally an action-packed travel blog from a globe-trotting Scotsman, An Ache for the Distance has, over the years, slowed down (I post less often), mellowed out (domestic life has found it's way way on here) and become more of an expat/photo blog. Take a look around, leave a comment and share the love if you like something.
Stuart Mathieson, Lübeck, Germany

Friday, 20 December 2013

Making Friends With The Hedgehogs

Sam & Papa-Hog
Whilst we were living in Italy, Sam (our doberman) discovered that a family of hedgehogs had taken up residence in and around the grapevines in the backgarden.  Two or three nights a week, he would catch a different member of the hedgehog clan and parade triumphantly through the garden with the spikey ball in his mouth before depositing the said hog, slightly dazed yet unscathed in a different part of the garden.  Obviously it must have been a traumatic and tiring experience for the hedgehogs but they could at least recover from the evening's escapades with a daytime snooze.  That was until Sam found out where they slept... 

Following the bed-hog-room discovery, Sam made a point of personally inviting/forcefully bringing them to his house during the day as well as the usual evening parades.  Needless to say the hogs were quite disgruntled by this unwanted neighbourly attention and shortly after a lunchtime invite, papa-hog being dropped onto the kitchen table, the hedgehog family moved into the garden next door where fending off the neighbours' cats seemed like a much more appealing proposition.

More of Sam at Twelve Hairy Legs

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